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Can we grow enough food?

To be honest, We are at a loss of words. Not because it seems like the world around us is crumbling, but because the support we've received from our community has been amazing.

It has been a few weeks since I shared what is going on here on the farm. Farm work is always here and will always be here. The truth is that we are adding approximately 600 more trees to the orchard and 2,000 blueberry plants. These have been ordered and in the planning since last year so they are here to stay. Farmer Dre already has tomato plants in the high tunnel and we are expecting fresh tomatoes in May. 

So are we really concerned about the future? The answer is YES! The concern is if we can grow enough food? We can only grow so much here on our farm. We already work with local farmers in our area to supplement what we can't grow in order to make sure we have enough for everyone. At this point I don't think we are worried about the growing side, because with the Good Lord's help we have that figured out.

The issue we are facing is: how are we going to get the food to everyone. Farmers markets are already implementing drive through set ups and it has worked pretty well. We have had people pre-ordering and picking up their orders at the market or in our store and it has been great. Moving forward I do believe the online ordering and pre-orders are the best way to make sure you get what you need to feed your family. 

We are offering a 10% off to all online orders to encourage the pre-ordering. Pick up locations available right now are: 

Gardener's Orchard Farm store in Brighton, MO : Monday-Saturday

Greater Polk Country Farmers Market: Saturday 8-12pm

Farmers Market of the Ozarks: Saturday 8-1pm

We really recommend you take advantage of this ordering option. It really helps us to make sure we have enough for everyone.  

Click here to order today and save 10% when you use code SAVE10.

We are working on getting home delivery set up before fruit season so just keep us in your prayers.



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